A Letter From The Founder

Why start Women in Business?

I found myself doubting simple decisions like:

“Is that email professional?”

“How to ask for that Networking coffee?”

“Does my leadership style work for or against me?”

When I went to search for a club or program to help me answer those questions and give me the confidence to succeed in my university career, I found my list coming up short. For that reason, Women in Business is dedicated to helping people feel comfortable with their seat at the table. This club will help educate its members about Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) while giving them the tools in their work belt for the future.

Are you interested in being a member? Be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of Women in Business is that we want to include you. We want to grow and evolve alongside you. Women in Business strives to grow community and confidence which leads to the feeling of empowerment in your everyday.

Be bold and it will work out.

It always does.


Women In Business Introduction